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Take your first step towards mental wellness

My Fyrst is a fun, simple and effective process of understanding our emotions through purposeful awareness.

  • My Fyrst offers process driven activities to improve mental well being.
  • You will receive daily one activity that helps you focus on yourself.
  • Its a proven methods of managing stress, and anxiety.
  • Offers a choice for self healing.
  • You can start your self improvement journey for free*.
  • It is confidential and private, simple and easy. You receive daily activities via text messages on your phone and there is no app to download.

Based on Eastern Wisdom

My Fyrst is based on eastern wisdom of understanding emotions (Rasas). In Sanskrit RASA (Sanskrit: रस)  means “nectar, essence or taste”. Rasa implies that any activity is expected to evoke emotions. When you become aware of that emotion, you become self aware to experience oneself. 

The problem and solution that can boost mental wellbeing

The problem: Being Unaware!

Emotions have trigger points, and each time the emotional trigger point is left unnoticed it leads to depression, anxiety, and stress.

The understanding: Trigger points

Understanding mental stress, depression or anxiety is to recognize where and how they start, and what stimulates them. 

The solution: My Fyrst

Practising my fyrst activities with mindfulness and awareness of inner self in relation to the outside world while observing the emotional trigger points leads to improved mental well-being. 

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and take your first step towards improved mental well-being.